****************************************************** * * * The TYPOlight YAML Subtemplates Extension * * Authors: TL: Felix Pfeiffer * * YAML: Dirk Jesse * * License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Lizenz * * * ****************************************************** Content: 1. What's the extension made for 2. Installation / Update 3. How to 4. License 5. Contact 1. What's the extension made for The Subcolumns-Extension provides a simple way to add columns to an article in typolight. These columns are added as content elements. The system generates some content elements that show the different seperators for the columnset. The extension is based on the YAML-CSS-Framework by Dirk Jesse (http://www.yaml.de) and uses the subtemplates section and code of the framework. The Extension ahould work with all modern browsers. Windows * Internet Explorer 5.01 * Internet Explorer 5.5 * Internet Explorer 6.0 * Internet Explorer 7.0 Apple/Mac * Safari 1.0.3+ * Camino 0.6+ Linux * Konqueror 3.3+ * Galeon 1.3+ * Epiphany 1.4.8+ * Lynx (Textbrowser) Betriebssytem übergreifend * Firefox 1.0+ * Mozilla Suite 1.7.1+ * SeaMonkey 1.0+ * Netscape 8.0+ * Opera 6+ 2. Installation / Update To install or update the extension, just copy the "subcolumns" directory from this downloadarchiv to the modules directory of you typolight installation and run the install-tool. As the architecture of the extension wasn't touched for the new release, ther shouldn't be any problems when you update the extension. Even though, you should make an backup of the database. 3. Howto A columnset is added as an content element to an article. You select the set of coulumns you want to add, i.e. 30%/70%. Then you select an optional name for the columnset, add an optional gap between the columns. In the last section, you can add an ID and/or css-class for the element. The extension automatically adds some more elements the build the opener and closer of the different columns. You place the content, that should be displayed inside one column between two of the elements created by the extension. The source-code generated by the extension looks like this:
Inhalte der ersten Spalte
Inhalte der zweiten Spalte
In contrast to the 0.x versions, version 1.0 provides the copying of articles and / or new pages correctly. 4. License As the extension uses parts of the YAML-Framework (http://www.yaml.de), it was released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License (CC-A 2.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/en/) The Creative Commons license permits both the non-commercial and the commercial use of the framework on the condition that a backlink to the project homepage remains in the layout. For this extension is therefore the following condition: For the free use of the YAML framework (or parts of it), a backlink to the YAML homepage (http://www.yaml.de) in a suitable place (e.g.: footer of the website or in the imprint) is required. This could be like this: "Website Layout uses parts of YAML [link:http://www.yaml.de]" On the YAML home, however, there is also the possibility, to remove this addition by the purchase of a commercial license. 5. Contact For questions, suggestions or bugs please post in the TYPOLight forum. If you notice browser bugs, in connection with the YAML-components, you can use the YAML-forum instead.